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Yes, it's still us...just with a much more streamlined website.


It's been a process of around 11 months of work and we are still ironing out the tiny glitches but it's almost there. If you see something you think we have missed feel free to message us using the blue  "F" button that will message our Facebook page via your Facebook account or the "Contact Us" section. 

In fact, if you have any questions about what products to use and when, how to use them or anything detailing related please get in touch (talking detailing is the fun part of our job).

New deals and offers - some are online now like our new Mystery Box (click here), there's some new products like Holy Cow leather detailer, Cool Wash screenwash, Lemon Sherbet air freshener and we are finalising a brand new product right now. Take advantage of the Sale Items page as we try to update it regularly.

Updates have been made to a lot of sections about the companies with new videos and content about their backgrounds and ours, for a fun way to discover these stories try shopping by brand to discover more about the people behind the products. 

So take a look through, and if you'd like to be more involved with the goings on and see behind the scenes of Monstershine as well as get a first look at promotions and offers coming soon join our Facebook group. 

Thanks for reading and, most importantly, thanks for supporting us for nearly four and a half years in a way that allowed us to grow and continue to give the best service we can...

Stephen & John




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